Cast your vote

The quest for the truth, in and of itself, is a story that's filled with insights. (Carolyn Porco)

Who we choose as our leaders to follow is important, for our leaders are the people who go down in history. Our leaders are the ones the people of the future will look at to find out who we were. They are our legacy.
Every dollar we spend, every piece of advice we take, every politician we elect represents how our identity will be immortalized. Making accurate choices is important. Voting is important. Acting is important.

And what is the cost of great leadership? With great responsibility comes great sacrifice. Our truly great leaders should be remembered as martyrs, for it is their own lives that must be sacrificed to help us get where we need to go.
Nelson Mandela's wife stood by him and waited the twenty-eight years while he was imprisoned, only to have him leave her for a younger woman when he was released. His children never reconciled with their absentee father.
Leader after leader finds himself isolated, unable to form stable and meaningful relationships - and yet, able to change the world and everyone standing upon it.

Science is a collaborative enterprise spanning generations. We remember those who prepared the way, seeing through them also. (Carl Sagan)
If you're scientifically literate, the world looks very different to you and that understanding empowers you.(Neil deGrasse Tyson)

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