Sea of Love

Is it true that we are given one Great Love in our lifetimes that will haunt us for all of our days if ever lost?
Even if there truly are other fish in the sea, we will always be shaped by the first one we hooked that was so strong, it pulled us under, deeper than we had ever known we could go.
I watch it happen to everyone around me, one by one; those who haven't discovered it basking in the comforting belief that the next Great Love is just around the corner from the previous one.
And while some of us are lucky enough to spend the rest of our lives under the sea of love, the rest of us find ourselves simply drowning, forever changed by a catch-and-release.
And, kochanie, I want to tell you how much I love you, but I'm drowning in this sea of love, held under by your loving embrace and your tender kiss, the love you profess to me. If you ever release me - and, god, I pray that you never do, - I can only hope that I am caught again soon, because god knows I cannot bear the thought of living the rest of my long life choking in this ocean. You may have the mind of a goldfish, but I was born to breathe sweet mountain air,
and you know I never forget.

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